You are not here
But I do not forget youYou pervade my every day
You are in the morning sun
But I do not make you toast
I cannot kiss your waking face
You are in the fold of my arms
But I do not feel your warmth
I cannot hold you close
You are in the playground
But I do not push your swing
I cannot hear you laugh
You are in the little girl's smile
But I do not feel your joy
I cannot share your glee
You are in my old wedding dress
But I do not see you twirl
I cannot make it fit
You never shed any tears
And I do not wipe them away
I cannot make you better
You never shed any tears
And I do not wipe them away
I cannot make you better
You are in my mother's soul
As she ages and changes
But you cannot share her life
You are in my past, present and future
In my pain, and in my joy
You are everywhere, and yet nowhere.